Mineral base station effective with Import Export Fur products

Mineral base station effective with Import Export Fur products

The saline I’m about to prepare is undoubtedly the most crucial of my hunting season. Unlike others, this one won’t be used for hunting, but rather for observing deer behavior.

Located right in front of my house, close to the road and in the woods, this saltworks attracts a lot of traffic, particularly interesting for the kids who watch videos of the deer every morning on their cell phones.

The aim is to create a place where deer spend enough time to observe their behavior.

The importance of nutrients

To attract and retain deer, it’s essential that the saline contains attractive nutrients. These elements must be pleasant for the deer, without causing them discomfort or pain. The presence of a water source nearby is also a key factor. By choosing the right products for the saltworks, we can guarantee that the deer will come back regularly and spend time there.

Product selection: Quality and safety

Encouraging Québec companies

There are many companies in Quebec producing high-quality salt products. For this particular saltworks, I chose to use Import Export Fourrure products for two main reasons: results and safety.

These products have been approved by a biochemical laboratory for their safety with regard to animal health and the water table, a crucial point in our region where a significant water table lies beneath our feet.

Import Export Products Furs

Import Export Fur products are known for their high concentration of essential minerals. Although slightly more expensive, these products offer better quality and greater efficiency.

The density of their mineral mix is significantly higher than that of the competition, guaranteeing better nutrition for deer, especially pregnant females.

Product Application: Practicality and Durability

Minerals for gestation

Minerals play a crucial role in female gestation, helping to maintain proper hydration levels. Import Export Fourrure’s products meet these needs perfectly, ensuring that females and their young enjoy a safe and nutritious environment.

Using Jam

In addition to minerals, I use Jam to attract deer. Jam aux pommes is particularly popular with females. It’s crucial to choose long-lasting, rain- and weather-resistant jams.

Import Export Fourrure products are distinguished by their ability to stay in place, even after several months, making them an ideal choice.

Strategic placement of Jams

I use the Jam on logs on the ground as well as on logs close to the camera to get interesting video. The fruit Jam, tested the previous year, proved very effective in attracting deer and generating numerous photos.

Salt Activator: Creating a Welcoming Environment

Use of synthetic urine

Saline activator, using a synthetic animal urine scent, is applied around the saline to simulate the presence of deer. This reassures animals arriving on the site, encouraging them to stay longer.

Safety and efficiency

Import Export Fourrure’s salt activators are certified for their safety, both for the health of the animals and for the water table. They create the illusion of regular frequentation by other deer, which is crucial to attracting and retaining animals on site.

Implementation: Process and Expected Results

Preparation and application

Saline preparation begins with the application of minerals to the soil, followed by Jam. Saline activator is then applied around the site to maximize attractiveness. A camera is installed to capture videos of the deer, allowing detailed observation of their behavior.

Comments and conclusions

With Import Export Fourrure products, we generally see increased activity on the site within 24 to 48 hours of application.

Pregnant females return regularly, and the kids love watching videos of the deer every morning.

By using high-quality products and ensuring environmental safety, we create a favorable environment for deer while providing a source of fun and education for the family.