Capsule – Les souilles v4

Capsule – Les souilles v4

This capsule is presented by Chasse et Pêche dans la peau in collaboration with Import Export Fourrures.


In this video, we explore the importance of artificial bowls in hunting. A scat is a hole dug by a bull moose with his front paws, made of fresh earth and urine. Creating an artificial pond can attract females and other competitive males to your hunting territory.

Recherche de l’endroit idéal

Today, we’re strolling through my hunting territory in search of the ideal spot to create an artificial pond. The soil we’re looking for must be black, free of rocks, and located at a reasonable distance from paths to avoid disturbance. After several attempts, we finally found the perfect spot, away from noise and with a suitable floor.

L’importance du type de sol

Soil type is crucial when creating a pit. We’re looking for ground that’s wide enough and free of rocks, offering a suitable environment for the moose to feel safe. A good soil will allow the products we use to stay in place longer, increasing the effectiveness of the soil.

Préparation de la souille

Once we’ve found the right spot, we start preparing the pit. We flatten the bottom to harden it, allowing urine and other products to be absorbed less quickly into the soil. This ensures that the scents remain active for longer, attracting moose.

Utilisation des produits spécifiques

We use specific products to imitate the natural urine and scents of moose. These products contain gray granules that absorb and retain odors, reactivating them when wetted by moose urine. The aim is to maintain these scents as long as possible to attract moose effectively.

Importance des senteurs

It’s crucial not to overlook the importance of scents. If you don’t pay attention to your own odors when creating the stain, you risk producing the opposite effect and repelling moose. The use of scent-absorbing and scent-preserving products is essential to the success of the souille.

Variété de la taille des souilles

Pitches can vary in size, from small to very large. The initial size can attract young males, who will roll around in it to take on the scent of the dominant male and influence the females. On the other hand, large males will come to mark their territory, increasing activity around the pool.

After preparing the stump and applying the necessary products, we set up a camera to observe the moose’s movements. This stage is crucial for monitoring the effectiveness of the stain and adjusting our techniques if necessary.

In conclusion, creating an artificial stump requires preparation and attention to detail, particularly with regard to soil selection and the use of appropriate products to mimic the natural scents of moose. When properly prepared, a stump can greatly increase moose activity in your hunting territory, offering better hunting opportunities.

Copyright: Hunting and Fishing in the skin