Import Export Fur X Lac Dumoulin Outfitter

Import Export Fur X Lac Dumoulin Outfitter

Lac DuMoulin outfitter with Danny

At Pourvoirie du Lac DuMoulin, Danny, one of the owners and manager of the territory, has always emphasized rigorous environmental management.

This is one of the reasons why many hunters return regularly.

One of the key dynamics of this management is the presence of the bear, both as a predator and as prey for hunters. Danny makes it a point not to feed the bears just anything, even when it comes to attracting them for hunting.

Collaboration with Import Export Fourrures

This year, Danny decided to work with Import Export Fourrures to supply his hunting sites.

We met Marc, a representative of the company, at a hunting and fishing show. Marc inspired confidence with his in-depth product knowledge and professionalism.

This trust was a determining factor in Danny’s decision to use Import Export Fourrures products to feed the bears.

Bear feeding management

At Pourvoirie du DuMoulin, it’s not enough to attract bears: you also have to feed them healthy, sustained food over a long period. The quality of the food is essential to avoid making the bears sick or losing their interest.

Danny found that Import Export Fourrures’ products met these criteria. The analyses carried out by Marc and his team on the products guarantee a healthy, animal-friendly diet.

Successful observation and harvesting

During filming this week, the team were able to observe bears for hours on end, proof of the effectiveness of the products used. The bears were attracted and stayed put, which led to fruitful observations and harvests.

One of the highlights was the harvesting of a particularly large bear, ending a running gag between the film crew and the outfitter’s guides.

Tested and safe products

Another important aspect for Danny is the absence of contaminants in the products he uses.

For example, the saline products supplied by Marc are tested to avoid the presence of heavy metals that could contaminate lakes and affect local wildlife. This attention to detail ensures not only the health of the bears, but also that of the surrounding ecosystem.

Committed to the future

On the strength of the results obtained, Danny intends to continue using Import Export Fourrures products in the future. The synergy between good land management, experienced guides and quality products has created ideal conditions for bear hunting at Pourvoirie du Lac DuMoulin.

This week’s experience is striking proof of this.


In short, the collaboration between Pourvoirie du Lac DuMoulin and Import Export Fourrures has shown that rigorous management and respect for animal feed can coexist with responsible and efficient hunting practices.

Thanks to tested, quality products, Danny and his team were able to attract and feed the bears in a healthy way, ensuring successful, environmentally-friendly hunting sessions.